Supporting the Centre can be done in any of the following ways
Currently, it costs a total of Kshs. 90,000.00 to sponsor a girl for one year, and a total of Kshs. 360,000.00 for the full four years the girl will be at the Centre. During this time, sponsors receive regular updates and reports from the school and personal letters from their sponsored students.
Donors can contribute to our endowment fund which is held at The Kenya Community Development Foundation. The school can only withdraw the interest earned to meet budget deficits and leave the principal amount of money for future Starehe generations.
Donors can also support through making one–off or regular grants of any amount to the Centre, to be used at the Centre’s discretion or as directed by the donor.
The Centre welcomes gifts in kind. This could be in terms of goods and services, which can be used by the girls at the Centre
Starehe Girls’ Centre still being a developing school, donors can donate any amount towards the development of capital infrastructure within the Centre.
Starehe Girls’ Centre has annual fundraising events aimed at sourcing funds to help in its daily operations and running of the Centre. The major events include: The Annual Charity Walk held in June; The Annual Charity Golf held in March; and The Annual Charity Dinner held in October/November.
Capital Projects Needed
Due to increase in student’s population, the Centre is in dire need of the following additional facilities:
Dormitory Block
In order to decongest the current boarding facilities, the Centre needs a dormitory block with a bed capacity of 160 students.
Biology and Chemistry Laboratories
Given the shortcomings of the current infrastructure, the Centre needs two sciences laboratories. There is a cap of 40 students per lab at once. The facilities can only accommodate 120 students out of the 200 in each class. We must therefore utilize the facilities in two-group shifts. This is a significant difficulty, particularly during examination time.
Classroom Block & Furniture
The Centre needs a classroom block for set rooms which are intended to be used for elective subjects including History, Geography, CRE, IRE, Music, French, German, and business studies.
Security Wall
Although being situated next to the Ngomongo slum, our Centre lacks a perimeter wall that clearly delineates its borders. There are instances of insecurity where outsiders have tried to enter the school’s grounds. This becomes a security threat that can only be settled by a perimeter security wall.
Extension of the Library
Owing to the growing student population, the current library can only hold 40 students at a time. In order to accommodate additional students, the Starehe Girls’ Centre needs help to expand the current library facility.